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Download full books in PDF and EPUB format. Access full book title The Age of Anxiety by W. Often cited as by Auden without attribution, this quotation has been traced to John Foster Hall (1867-1945), an English comedian known as the Reverend Vivian Foster, Vicar of Mirth. What on earth the others are here for, I can't imagine. Urn:lcp:ageofanxietyhist00tone:epub:37e0443d-044d-4100-84a6-e5350bdce262 Extramarc Columbia University Libraries Foldoutcount 0 Identifier ageofanxietyhist00tone Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t9m342z94 Isbn 9780465086580Ġ465086586 Lccn 2008032718 Ocr ABBYY FineReader 8.0 Ocr_converted abbyy-to-hocr 1.1.6 Ocr_module_version 0.0.13 Openlibrary OL17010362M Openlibrary_edition Download The Age of Anxiety PDF full book. (The phrase 'age of anxiety' occurs only in the title of the poem, not in the text, nor in anything else by Auden.) We are all on earth to help others. Access-restricted-item true Addeddate 16:46:05 Boxid IA157701 Boxid_2 CH129925 Camera Canon EOS 5D Mark II City New York Containerid_2 X0008 Donor